Unbundled Immigration Services in Houston, TX serving Sugar Land & Pasadena, TX

Unbundled Immigration Services
in Houston, TX
serving Sugar Land & Pasadena, TX

Offering Effective Attorney Assisted Do It Your Self Immigration Services

There are many different reasons why a client may opt to use an attorney's services for limited scope representation. It may be that the person does not have the funds to hire an attorney for full service representation and does not qualify for legal aid services but the client still needs the professional guidance of an attorney. Unbundled legal services or limited scope representation exists where you do some of the work, the lawyer does some, and you pay only for what the lawyer does.

An attorney client agreement is written out which defines the scope of the services that the attorney would perform and how much the fees would be for the specific task to be performed by the attorney.

Not every legal need is appropriate for the unbundled approach. Due to the complexity of the nature of some cases, unbundled services may end up being more expensive and the attorney would rather do a full service representation or no representation at all in those kinds of cases.

Before deciding on whether to go the unbundled route, the client should do a realistic self assessment. Some of the questions that a person seeking unbundled legal services should ask themselves are: "What are my strengths and weaknesses?" "Do I feel comfortable articulating my position before an immigration officer or an immigration judge?" "How prepared am I to essentially be my own lawyer?"

When a case is deemed to be appropriate for unbundled legal services, Law Offices of Omonzusi Imobioh based in Houston, TX will coach the immigration client through preparing the immigration application form but the client maintains control over the case and navigates the case through the immigration process himself. In this situation, the client represents himself and chooses which services he wants the attorney to render to him and pay for those services. Think of it like going into a restaurant where you are presented with a menu. You order what you want from the menu, you only pay for what you ordered and the restaurant only serves you what you ordered.

Hiring Law Offices of Omonzusi Imobioh based in Houston, TX for unbundled immigration services can be cost effective for you no matter where you live. It depends on the complexity of the case and the amount of time, effort, and work you want to dedicate to your case. Unbundled immigration services that we offer to our clients are shown below:

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